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 Post subject: practicing the 5 steps on what happened last night
PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:08 pm 
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Step 1: Halt
yes, I was hungry, angry and lonely. and stressed from work

2. Determine what the problem was:
I missed Chris really badly last night and felt ?? sad and angry and then I drank and ended up cutting and crying hysterically.

3. 3 possible courses of action:
1. Don't drink so hopefully it will be easier to manage my emotions
2. If I could have remembered last night, I could have tried to take a step back from my emotions by naming them and trying to remind myself that I'm not my emotions. That emotions are temporary.
3. I could have gone for a run to try to release my emotions instead of resorting to my old negative pattern of cutting.

4. figure out which one is best for now:
not drinking to begin with probably would have been the best choice, or maybe recognizing that I was feeling emotional earlier on and then deciding not to drink because I'm not supposed to drink when I'm sad because it makes it worse.

Since I did drink, then I think running would have been the best choice to try to deintesify my emotions, maybe?

5. Do It
Well, it was last night so this isn't applicable now but I wanted to at least practice these 5 steps.

"I can lose my hard-earned freedom if my fear defines my world. I declare my independence from the critics and the stones. I declare my revolution, I can learn to stand alone."

 Post subject: Re: practicing the 5 steps on what happened last night
PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:08 pm 
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I really like your 5 steps, BPDpip5!....may I call you pip (it's easier to type out)?

You have come up with some really good plans.....is it possible for you, next time, to employ the 'not drinking' alongside one of the others? I'm thinking that doing something physically, like #2 or #3, would help.

Just a thought.

Temet Nosce-- The Oracle
"Pain is resistance to change."
--Ida Rolf

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 Post subject: Re: practicing the 5 steps on what happened last night
PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:08 am 
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Joined: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:19 am
Posts: 274
thanks H and yes, most people just call me pip.

"I can lose my hard-earned freedom if my fear defines my world. I declare my independence from the critics and the stones. I declare my revolution, I can learn to stand alone."

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