Hi blackwolf,
I'm sorry you're going through a rough time right now. You aren't alone, and you are no less capable than the next person of having a fulfilling life.
Everyone deals differently. Some people withdraw and hide in a cave to ease heartbreak. Some party it up. Others throw themselves in their work, or 'rebound' to cushion the pain. There's 5 million different ways to do it out there, and I'm glad you see it's not a reflection on you or on your relationship.
In regards to that, something I've learned with long-time, stubborn behavior issues, or obsessive thinking, is that I can't 'just stop' - In fact, I find the more I tell myself to just quit it and grow a pair, the more I wind up giving in and clinging to those behaviors, and consequently getting very pissy with myself for not making improvements. Small strides, one step at a time, is a common theme around these parts(I love that saying 'these parts', it makes me feel like I'm in an old western saloon wearing a scandalous ruffly skirt).
Check out the tools on the left. They have been a huge aide for many of us here, and they are part of my everyday routine. Take a look, especially, at the Five Steps. They can really help break down a difficult, overwhelming issue.
And awesome that you're applying for jobs - Just keep throwing those resumes out there. That is a step in the direction you're looking to go. You have a couple roads here - You can say you have nothing, behave as though you have nothing, do nothing, then wonder why in the world you have nothing - Or you can take a baby step towards the direction you'd like to see yourself go(which you're doin!) Be patient with yourself.
I feel you on the trust issue. Again, one of those things for me that I couldn't just say "do it, you weenie" to. Trust has always been, for me, something that is given out minimally and built slowly, with time. I used to try to rush it, wonder why some people can just throw themselves out there, and try to be like them. But I accept that at this point in my life, I am not that way, and do not feel comfortable that way. I can give to a certain degree, to what I feel is a healthy degree for me - Then I just allow it to slowly go at the pace I am comfortable with, not 'shoulds', not unrealistic, but me and my turtle pace, so be it. I also keep in mind that my emotions are fluid and things can change for me down the road.
Looking forward to 'seeing' you around