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 Post subject: if you want it make it happen...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:51 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:25 am
Posts: 5
So I am new to the group. Not new to the world of recovery. I must say though this may be the first time I have chosen a path for me and just for me. That's the first step to really finding a program that works.

So this week - 6 days actually - i have focused on using his philosophy. Mostly STOP! That's my biggest challenge. To just stop for a couple of minutes heck a few seconds at times. And though nothing is a miracle and does it for u, when I have really stopped before letting my initial feelings and assumptions take over though I can't say its always easy I find working my way to pointing the problem and before thinking of 3 options on how I can react other than by just my emotions my brain does work rationally and though my thoughts are all tied and twisted with my feelings, I have actually been able to back it off and either respond on a less confrontational level or twice chosen to hold my breath and force myself to just walk away. Letting go more freely now that will take effort. But I am just calmed knowing that if I keep up with the effort I can learn a more rational and logical thought process and its possible one day somewhere for that to become natural.

But its not easy. Wow its hard actually.

 Post subject: Re: if you want it make it happen...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:56 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:25 am
Posts: 5
Also... Thank u. To whomever is responsible for creating this place. Its become more hand just a website in this short time. Its my lifeline when Im feeling rather fragile or venerable just to come and read other's stories and be able to assure myself Im not crazy and Im not alone.

I actually made a booklet of all the tools and I try to write a little about my day and I call it Lessons Learned. Its amazing how I have found I don't need someone to pick me up. I can pick myself up. I can help it. I have a long way to feeling healthy but I have begun my journey.

Again. Thank u.

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