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 Post subject: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:16 pm 
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there is too much history of this event to disclose here, but here's the quick & nasty:
graduated with masters in 06
got pregnant in 06
moved two states away to be with "husband who swore we'd make it"
he lied
he moved out in 09
looking for full time job... applied lots of places - 50% of which after applying announced 'budget cuts' which eliminated the job applied for...

now THE JOB that completely matches my graduate training - and my personal goals ... applied (23 page application) and I got the first interview in April....if I pass this one... then a personal interview... so I am only in the second leg of a four leg race but I am soooooo excited!! and scared -

I really need this job - for me, for my kids, for my self-worth... and yet if I don't pass - my faith says... then it wasn't meant to be....

but again the self-doubt > have I got what it takes to not 'show' my personal demons... oh my... I hope my meds work that day.. (haha)... I will work to prepare - I will get enough sleep the night before - I will do all I can to be prepared & that way If I am not chosen then I Can NOT say ... it's because I self-sabatoged - or b/c I didn't earn it....

I am rambling - but I am sooooo excited & Proud of myself for doing such a job on the app package that I was chosen for an interview.... I did a great job !!! and didn't freak out on me or anyone close to me during this stressful period... I did good!!

Even if I don't get the job - I had a good measure of success from just applying & being called back.... that's enough good to make me do more! I am motivated Yeah!!!

thanks for reading my rants!



One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

 Post subject: Re: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:03 am 
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That sounds like an excellent opportunity and you have such a positive outlook regarding the outcome. If this job is a good match for you and you are a good match for the job, everything could come together for you just the way you hope. I firmly believe that bad things happen for good reasons so if you don't get selected for this job, it just means that there is something even better that you won't discover if you don't keep looking for it. Either way all you need to do is to show up for the interview and do your best.

Having been responsible for hiring employees in the past I can say there are many factors involved in selecting someone to do a job and when all else is equal the best pick is usually the one who wants it the most. It sounds like you really want this job and that eagerness will likely show during an interview. Employers don't expect employees to be perfect but they do expect them to take a personal interest in doing a good job.

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 Post subject: Re: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:17 am 
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Well done! :thumbsup

It sounds like a fantastic opportunity and I really hope you get the job.

I agree 100% with the following:

and yet if I don't pass - my faith says... then it wasn't meant to be....

Even if I don't get the job - I had a good measure of success from just applying & being called back.... that's enough good to make me do more! I am motivated Yeah!!!

What will be, will be. If you don't get the job, at least you'll have had that confidence boost from being invited to interview. You can have faith in your ability to write a really good application and you'll have gained interview experience. You might even make useful contacts or learn interesting things / meet interesting people along the way.

Have faith, do your best, and know that you are moving forwards. :thumbsup


AKA Echoeslikehorses | Sirius Project: Self-Help for Self-Harm

"All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming." - Helen Keller

 Post subject: Re: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:20 am 
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I forgot to say


AKA Echoeslikehorses | Sirius Project: Self-Help for Self-Harm

"All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming." - Helen Keller

 Post subject: Re: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:46 am 
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Thank you Dustie & Lirael... I am so excited!!


One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

 Post subject: Re: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:59 am 
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newt1421 wrote:
Thank you Dustie & Lirael... I am so excited!!

Just wanted to see how it's going for you now? :) Keep us posted, if you get the chance!

 Post subject: Re: upcoming potential employment!!!!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:00 am 
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Yes, how did it go? Have you had the interview yet?

AKA Echoeslikehorses | Sirius Project: Self-Help for Self-Harm

"All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming." - Helen Keller

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