There are no mental health professionals affiliated with BPDRecovery.
This site is run entirely by volunteer lay-persons and is non-profit. BPDRecovery has no professional affiliation(s) with any other site or product on the web.
The Volunteer Staff of BPDRecovery consists of ordinary laypeople. There are no trained, certified or accredited mental health professionals on-staff. As such, BPDRecovery cannot guarantee the accuracy of any material located on-site, off-site, nor will BPDRecovery be responsible for any third-party interpretation of material presented on the site itself or, more specifically, by any of the community members at the BPDR Forums.
For specifics on your situation, you are encouraged to consult your mental health professional.
Information presented at BPDRecovery by any contributor is NOT meant to replace professional advice or take the place of counseling, therapy or additional personal research.