Hey all,
It's been a long time, but due to some very positive encouragement from a good friend (thanks again, hun) I've decided to come back and really take this bull by the horns and I'm hoping to use bpdrecovery as a support and maybe stop draining the life out of my friends/family. I know they need a break. Oh and I used to be betrue, but I feel like I'm in a different place in life now, so I felt a name change was in order. Not that it's honestly much better a place to be in than I was before, but hopefully there's hope, as I've taken to thinking.
I guess it's been about a year since I've been on the site.. Since then I broke up with my fiancee, started dating someone else and (surprise!) still have the same issues, went on disability, got diagnosed with bipolar, took a truly stunning amount of lithium for eight months, got an "oops" and rediagnosed with bpd along with yet another med change, quit my job (in engineering), started a new job in my field (social services) and through the new job was confronted with all of my problems on a platter through my clients. Then I finally called a program that offers DBT although to be quite frank, I have very little hope left.
I found that the last time I used the site, as great as it is, I used it more to vent my issues. I DO need to do that sometimes, I think we all do, but I want to be more productive in healing this time, and really working at getting better, if that is even possible for me. Regardless, I'm happy to be back!