I'm still living with my parents, still unemployed, and still not in therapy.

When I say it that way, I feel really awful about myself.
I got a job with a temp agency before Christmas, so I'm -technically- employed, but there had been several times where I would call them, speak directly to someone, and then they would treat me like I never called! I would call in, saying I was sick and wanted to come in on an alternate day, and they would call back the next morning asking me why I skipped the appointment. After a manager had spoken directly to me.
Or, I would call and set up an appointment, call to double check, and they would insist that I never called and set anything up, and then try to meet with me a week later... and still no work through them, a whole month in.

So I've been looking at local ads again, trying to find something else...
I emailed my mom about what happened, and she said that she would take me to the doctor's if I don't feel comfortable driving.
Over-imbibing is something that I have done several times over the past few years... I'm aware of it and try to keep it in check. The last time I drank to such an excess was some point this past summer. I don't really drink very often for a young adult, maybe once every week or two, it's just that I have a hard time stopping myself... particularly when the opportunity was sprung on me, and I didn't have the time to mentally prepare myself/put up boundaries and say "You're in a really bad mood, and you need to be sure to take it slow tonight, or you will regret it."