ReneePA wrote:
Right now I am in a no contact phase with my parents. I do not know if I will ever resume contact. So many times I want to call my Mom and tell her about the good things that are happening in my life but I can't. To do so would be like going to a dry well for water. She is unable to appreciate and respond in a healthy way to any of my success. I feel like a Motherless child.
Is anyone else in a no contact phase? How are you dealing with it?
HI Renee PA,
Nice to "meet" you. I've had one lengthy (five year) no contact phase with my mom. We did connect after that but not too much later I began distancing again. Very recently I have reconnected wtih my mother in a much healthier way. I don't consider myself someone with a lot of wisdom yet, because I think what I did in the no-contact phase is really just the same as what I'm trying to do now. Which is to heal myself, become my own parent I guess. I'm finding it incredibly hard.
When i had to go no contact with her, I had no ego strength to handle what I perceived as threats and invalidations. My mom was perhaps the opposite of yours. She is always glad to hear positive things (although you still never really feel "heard" when you talk about them with her), but I could never come to her with difficulties, pain, or negative things. What I recently learned is that through all my forty two years, the reason she could never handle the negative things is because she is scared of them. It had nothing to do with me. But in the mean time, I developed a huge wound over it. I guess what I did to cope was I sought therapy. Years of it. Counselors were surrogate moms (in a limited sense). Recently I've been ill and for a number of years now, my caregivers have sometimes been a type of surrogate mom. I am getting realllllly tired of having mommies and reallllllllllllllllllly want to be my own mom!!!! Right now it is suuuuuch a struggle to find that mom in me.
I am kinda curious what happens when you share positive things with your mom? How does she respond to it?
Im sorry you have to distance from your mom right now. It sucks to not have that relationship. : (
I hope you find some support that can help you through this time.