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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:06 pm 
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I used to have dreams of seeing houses on streets. It would be a long street with lots of houses. Each dream was different, on a different street with different houses, but all the same idea. I never went into these houses.

The other dreams were me in rooms in houses. Usually someone else's house. A friend's house or something like that. But they werent' the REAL houses of my friends. Just make-believe rooms.

I moved a lot after I got married. So all I can think of is that these houses and rooms represented me wanting to settle down. That's all I can think of.

I remember one dream where there was this big staircase going up in an apartment building to my grandparent's apartment. But it wasn't what theirs looked like in real life.

Another dream was an apartment and my friend's parents lived in it. There was this long room with shelves high up near the ceiling.

I also used to dream about trying to find my old T. I'd go to these office buildings and look inside. I knew she was there but I couldn't find her. I'd get just this close to seeing her, but I'd always miss her. I used to dream that a lot!

So that is my dreams. They were always so vivid. I stopped having them I think after we bought this house and settled down. So maybe it's obvious why I had these dreams. I wanted a house of my own. Interesting - what do you think?


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:09 pm 
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hey BG, so we dont mess up this thread, lets get a mod to split us off ok?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:12 pm 
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That's fine with me. :biggrin


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:00 pm 
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hey BG. im just guessing at meaning in others dreams, cause im not them!

you could have been searching for you...trying on diff fits*, so to speak. or differing parts that were you. this is kinda up to you to figure out, if you can. sometimes we cant at the time, it might become clearer as time passes.

finding your old T is pretty self evident.

yeah, now you feel more settled. i think this is very interesting, as so much can be revealed in dreams we dont conciously think of.

of course me meeting pres bush in a flea market, who knows? lol.

my husband says he doesnt dream, but everyone dreams nightly. he just blocks them out.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:08 pm 
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Yeah, maybe by looking at all the "houses" I was trying to figure out who I was. Where I fit in. I never felt like I fit in anywhere. Didn't have a place, so to speak. It all makes sense. Some people dream and don't remember the dreams. I still remember each "house" dream, even though some are 30 years old. Isn't that weird? In one dream, I was driving to Chicago. I don't remember where I was living at the time, but I know I'd never even been to Chicago. Anyway, we were driving to Chicago and there were all these buildings. We were driving up a huge, huge hill, with concrete on the side of it. And a building on the left side. But I know we were on our way to Chicago. Another strange dream, huh?


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:48 pm 
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how our mind processes is a strange thing sometimes. a lot of stuff mixes together, subconcious, concious, etc. a lot of it is sorting, as our brains decide what to do with what. it is bombarded daily by so much, it cant keep it all right there and waiting in case we need it.

i think your exactly right, about you wondering where you fit in. the dreams i remember the most and are the most clear are the ones about me. my processing. quite a cool process, i think.

:) i would imagine those like my H who "dont" dream, cant face what their dreams reveal.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:50 pm 
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Jody, I don't know whether your H dreams or not. If he does, yes, he may not be ready to face what his dreams are telling him. But if he doesn't dream, that's not his fault. Dreaming is affected by many things. I have Narcolepsy and I dream vividly because of it. The meds you take also affect if you dream or not. If you're really depressed, you won't dream. If your H is depressed, which it seems he might be, it makes sense that he doesn't dream. My H told me he doesn't dream very much. But he still remembers a certain dream he had when he was a little boy. Can you imagine it made that much of an impact that he remembers it to this day?


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:58 pm 
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from my understanding, and im sure if im wrong someone will tell me, we all dream. (altered to say most, since i looked up all this and found a few links who argue things about why we dream) we go thru stages of sleep, and REM is very important.

some just dont remember, for whatever reason. check eyes sometimes, if they are moving under the lids, the person is dreaming. most all dreams is in REM sleep. i did get that much from the links lol.


""""They focused especially on a preliminary finding that depriving participants of REM sleep (which was called dream deprivation at the time) seemed to increase their hallucinatory thinking during the day (Dement, 1960; Dement & Fisher, 1963). However, it was soon shown that REM deprivation did not increase the cognitive pathology of schizophrenic patients (Zarcone, Gulevich, & Pivik, 1968) or have any negative effects on the thought patterns of nonclinical participants. To the contrary, REM deprivation seemed to be helpful for some depressed patients (Lewin & Singer, 1991; Pivik, 1986; Vogel, 1975), and patients on high doses of monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressants lost almost all REM sleep with no apparent ill effects, even after several months (see Vertes & Eastman, 2000, for a summary). As Pivik (2000) later concluded in an overview of the psychophysiology of dreams, if there is a relationship between dreaming and waking hallucination, "it remains elusive because studies of the sleep and dreams of mentally ill persons have been unable to demonstrate a consistent increase in adverse effects, either physiological or psychological, during wakefulness as a consequence of REM deprivation" (p. 493).""""

http://psych.ucsc.edu/dreams/Library/domhoff_2005b.html pretty deep link.

"""Third, Solms found 47 patients with either unilateral or bilateral injuries in or near the region of the PTO junction who reported complete loss of dreaming. They also showed a decline in waking visuospatial abilities"""

"""However, any claim by a patient that dreaming has been lost raises the possibility that it may be memory for the dream that has failed. Evidence that these patients actually have ceased to dream comes first from the fact that those who reported loss of dreaming were no more likely to have memory disorders than those who reported that they continued to dream (Solms, 1997, pp. 160-161). Second, there are two laboratory studies of neurological patients in which awakenings from REM did not produce any dream recall in most participants. In the first study, 9 leucotomized schizophrenics who claimed they no longer dreamed were awakened from all REM periods during two nights in the laboratory and compared with a control sample of hospitalized schizophrenics who had not been leucotomized (Jus et al., 1973). Out of 66 awakenings, only two produced dream reports, and they were both from the same patient, whereas half or more of the awakenings with the control group led to dream reports. In the second study, only 3 of 12 patients who reported they had not dreamed over the course of a 10-day observation period could recall a dream from REM awakenings, as compared to 75 percent dream recall after REM awakenings by 7 neurological patients who said they continued to dream (Murri, Massetani, Siciliano, & Arena, 1985). It therefore seems safe to conclude that claims concerning the loss of dreaming are credible.

Fourth, Solms found that patients with bifrontal lesions in the white matter inferior to the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles, in the ventromesial region, also reported loss of dreaming.""""

"""Once again highlighting the parallels between waking cognition and dreaming, most of these patients were lacking in initiative, curiosity, and fantasy in waking life. These findings also fit with the neuroimaging studies, which show that the basal forebrain and limbic region are highly active during REM """"

most of this is exremely deep but suffice to say, loss of dreaming must have a reason...


or so i believe..............

not enough seems to be known about dreaming to come to many conclusions and its a lot of my opinion their opinion your opinion stuff in the studies done.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:08 pm 
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hey BG, here is ya a dream. i had it this morning right before the alarm went off so i woke up feeling awful.

however this is a new house in the dream. altho i have dreamed about it before. i have never gone it, i have bought it, apparently, from a model home i saw. "they" are building a whole neighborhood of these houses.

once before it had been broken into in a dream. the fence is the recurring theme, tho.

i want a chain link to keep my animals inside the yard. which is broken up into 2 diff places.

yet again, "these people--they" put up some lame , open, fence which is falling down. i am screaming at them to put up my fence like they promised. my animals are wandering all over....even the one who is my chow who passed away many years ago but is in all my house dreams.

and of course, i am back to needing to cut the grass which is never mowed in the dreams.

lol..not hard to figure this one out, eh?

good grief.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:44 pm 
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Hey, jody, thanks for posting the information... is really interesting stuff! :)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:13 pm 
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Thanks for sharing your dream Jody. I'm not very good at interpreting dreams. I'm kind of half-asleep right now anyway, so couldn't begin to interpet yours! Maybe it's about protecting your animals? Gosh, I'm soooo sleepy...... :sleep :thud


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:32 pm 
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lol BG.

ok, begin with a house is us.

this new one i have not been in is me. but i dont know it.

the fence is what?

boundaries. and its full of holes and things i love and value are getting out and lost. i am yelling at people to erect a new, good fence. they promised! it isnt their thing to do, but i havent gotten that yet all the way. i have a fence (better than the firs dream as there was none at all) but its full of ways for things i care about to get out and lost. i also havent gotten the idea the fence is for me to put up and make.

the animals, i assume, are representing things i value deeply from the past and present and i keep losing them. not tending to them. and then i grieve.

the grass cutting , altho i never had time to handle it with my T, i think means things i cant control. and i desperately want to control it...them. i want life in order and neat.

actually, it isnt hard to decipher when one takes it one thing at a time.

anyone else have a differing view i would welcome to hear it.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:41 am 
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Really good interpretation Jody! Yes, I would look at fences as being about boundaries. Sorry about yesterday. I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and couldn't think straight. My mind has been fuzzy for 2 days. I woke up again at 3:00 this morning (it's 4:30 now) but am not as fuzzy.

I had always been told that people who are depressed don't dream. That there's something wrong there. And once you're put on antidepressants that you begin to dream again.

I know my sleep issues relate directly to the fibromyalgia. If I don't sleep well my pain increases. My sleep doctor told me that if you make "regular" people stay awake for long periods of time, they'll display symptoms of fibromyalgia. He ties fibromyalgia into sleep disorders. I know it's true because if I don't sleep well my pain level goes up.

I've been sleeping a lot during the day lately. I get these hypnogogic halluncinations before I go to sleep. I hear "conversations" in my head as I'm falling asleep. That's how I know I'm going to fall asleep. It's really weird. They stopped for a while but are coming back. I have been dreaming a lot but don't remember what I dreamed about last night.

I feel a mess lately. Not being able to get around and laying in bed with my foot up - it messes up my day/night cycle. I'm starting to feel depressed and I shouldn't be. I can feel a downward spiral. It scares me.
I have phone calls to make and am putting them off.

My memory is getting all mixed up. I had an incident with my doctor's insurance secretary and I called her for something and I really thought I had it straight in my head, but when i spoke to her things got all mixed up. I THINK I'm thinking straight but in the end I'm not. And I can't go back and pin-point what actually happened, what I thought things were. It's like I'm losing control and don't know what I'm doing. It's not medication because I'm not taking the pain medication. So I don't know what's going on.

Sorry if this got off-track.


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:58 am 
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dont be sorry! please share, its all ok.

i think your surgery has stressed you out...plus some people have weird reactions to anesthsia. *sp* sometimes one thing wont do a thing to us, but add in several and we can crash. or thats true for me. i am way too overwhelmed lately and i know it. like you, i have the sleep problems, (not the narcolepsy tho) eating issues, etc.

did you know the hypnogic things are genetic? the women in my family had/have them badly. and stress wil make them worse! i hate them, so real and so scary. one time i had a freakin tennis ball bouncing around my room in mine!

and the fuzzy mind...argh i get that. i hate it too.

hell, i just hate it all today! lol. i need some alone time and i dont have it. and i suffer big time when i dont have it.

hugs, gf. hang in there. sounds like you are as stressed as i am..but i really dont have any solutions for either of us. i miss my T a lot right now.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:13 pm 
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Sorry you're having a difficult time. I remember when my son was little and I used to get so frustrated I'd lock myself in the bathroom. Can you try that? Just for 5 minutes or so? Sometimes it helps.

I was up at 3:00 this morning again. I can't seem to get into a decent sleep cycle. I did go back to bed for a little while but was afraid to fall asleep because my son was picking me up to take me to my therapy appt. at 8:00.

I had a very good appt. with my T this morning. But then my H picked me up and he had a bad time at work and it put me in a bad mood. They don't clean the roads in my subdivision and as he was driving me down our street he started sliding all over the place. I hate winter with a passion!

Anyway, my T appt. was great and I'm thrilled with my T. At least that was good.

Yeah, the surgery stressed me out I think. Mentally and physically. My foot is doing okay at least. The doctor changed the bandage this morning.

Sorry I can't do much to cheer you up - hope today goes better for you!


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:54 pm 
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i wish i could cheer you up too!

i am figuring out the problems with my SIL. it comes down to the rich or poor. we have no clue how they can be so ignorant, and they get mad when they are ignorant and wrong. lol. seriously. his mom buys them a A/C for their house which was made for a 12,000 sq ft house. lol. i can see it blowing the baby against the wall...hahaha. now what to do with it? one sits in my garage. one sits at a freight office. im not busting my back for it. ans she is mad because they wont work. actually, they are so big we were told they would pull the windows off the house without support. now i might pay to see that! (trying to find humor)

man, they have no clue how us other half lives. we dont have servants to handle things. they do. honest-- servants. wow. i cant imagine. she considers us white trash who her son is way too good for. i wanna pop her fake boobs...hahahaha. pin in the balloon time!

anyways...hope you feel better. i know this all will pass for us both. i find i get overwhelmed when i am stressed, i go off on my bpd thinking, and have to reground myself back into my tools. my idea is we both sit down and think hard on stopping this thinking we are having. but i feel too overwhelmed to do it...sooooooo. im just hoping time helps.

we have chances of ice and snow thursday...so i feel for ya on that. scares me when brakes wont help! ((BG))

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:04 pm 
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i find i get overwhelmed when i am stressed, i go off on my bpd thinking, and have to reground myself back into my tools. my idea is we both sit down and think hard on stopping this thinking we are having. but i feel too overwhelmed to do it...sooooooo. im just hoping time helps.

I can relate to this. Not only do I feel overwhelmed, but I don't know what I'm saying half the time! I feel "out of my mind" lately. Even if it's good stuff, I don't feel real. Don't know why. Had a long talk with my T today about some of my BPD behavior. I have to listen to him and let it sink in. I try hard but sometimes I think I'm spinning my wheels. Well, we all try, don't we? Shit, maybe it's just the weather. Wouldn't that be nice?


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:42 am 
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i have to learn to disengage from others. i get too deeply into their shit. then outside things like my daughter moving comes along and i cant handle it all. its like every day things are all i can deal with and i cant handle one extra. and since life sends in all its extras, that is not good. and right now i dont know what to do about it but sit and wait on it to hopefully move on. sorta taking it min by min at times. trying to find humor in it.

if only the kids had any sense, i try so hard to sit back and watch and let them figure things out. but then it just drives me crazy and i cant. the answers are so obvious and yet they sit--i swear if fire wasnt discovered, they would freeze. !

ie...in their rent house, there is a A/C unit in the window. wind comes in around and thru it. i buy them plastic and tell them cover it in the inside. they do, and wind still comes in. why>? because they stuck it up in 4 corners and the sides and top are flapping. duct tape it!!! dear Lord, DOH. neither had a clue. and i get soooo frustrated because im already on edge with all i can handle. so my mind will just...quit on me.

i understand exactly how you describe how you feel. i feel the same. exactly. i just have no answers for it.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:50 am 
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I made an appt. to see my T tomorrow morning. He is being wonderful and is coming in early to see me. I had a melt-down last night. Didn't sleep at all. I've been up since 3:30 Sunday morning! Can you believe it? And I still take meds to help me sleep. I was freaking out last night. I was making noises and talking to myself and hearing voices in my head. I got so scared. Finally I had to get out of the bedroom and come downstairs and get on my computer. I wrote my T about 3 e-mails describing how I felt. I don't know what's wrong with me. H is having some issues at work and it's also getting to me. Sometimes I just feel I can't function properly in the world. I'm just not cut out for it. Well, I'm sitting here spacing out and hearing lines from Woody Allen movies in my head. That's crazy talk for sure. I hope I don't freak out again tonight.


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:55 am 
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And I shake. My whole body shakes inside.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:02 pm 
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I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed and "out of it". What is it with sleep deprivation lately? I'm not sleeping either! Is it something about January? Or the weather? I went to bed at 7 a.m. Saturday night, well-Sunday morning and slept only 2 hrs.! Last night I tried to go to bed at 10:30 because I was so tired, but I had to get up, wash the dishes, etc. because I just couldn't sleep! Took an allergy pill because I was itching all over, at 2 am. and fell asleep around 3:00. Got up at 7 and I feel so crummy! So what's going on with this insomnia? I had some diet coke at night, but not even a whole cup. Maybe that's the problem!

I hope we both get sleep soon!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:03 pm 
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maybe we are just overwhelmed with life right now....we are full and cant cope with any more?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:09 pm 
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Full moon could be a factor in lack of sleep.

Ellen K.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:20 pm 
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Yeah, I saw there was a huge full moon last night! I think it freaked me out. I don't drink Diet Coke so it can't be that. Wondering, maybe you're stressing about your appt. with your T. Do you think that could be it? I think I know what I'm stressing about. I also think that right now I can't handle things very well. The world is overwhelming to me. And yes, the January weather certainly has something to do with it. The sun is out today but my street is one huge sheet of ice! It won't melt!!!! I just don't know why things have to be so difficult!!!! :(


......I'm gonna look at you till my eyes go blind..... (Bob Dylan)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:28 pm 
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i try to not rant too bad at things, altho today i have because Bg has been listening :) i just wait and hope it passes soon. somehow i doubt it but i can hope. lotta talking to myself and telling myself what i need to do and get my head outta my ass. :)

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